Sunday, August 13, 2006

A little collection

"If you do not get it from yourself, where will you go for it?" Zenrin Kushu, by way of Alan Watts.

"Hamburgers and hot dogs and stock tips." A statement heard in passing, over the din of a restaurant, probably misinterpreted.

Trystal adj. Of or relating to a tryst.

And a contribution from Nabokov . . . "Holey dirt roads and humpy forest trails would take impatient Max to the remote trysting place, which was a hunting lodge-- in the grand tradition of elegant adultery." (from Speak, Memory)

"In Marseilles they make half the fancy toilet soap we consume in America, but the Marseillaise only have a vague theoretical idea of its use, which they have obtained from books of travel." -- Mark Twain

"Like dogs desperately pawing at the earth they pawed at each other's bodies." -- Kafka, The Castle

Darkly is an adverb. That you had enough bad taste to lift the word from one of the greatest titles of all time does not in any way salvage your use of the word. Regardless of how stupid you are, it's still an adverb.

Said by a telemarketer, after I told her that she had the wrong number, "I might have the wrong name, but I have the right number." What? Go fuck yourself.

Cleanliness is next to stupidity.

"If people are so dumb, how come more of us smart people don't get rich?" Peter L. Bernstein, Against the Gods

fetal, vb. -- (to fetal) as in, "fetaling myself on the cold marble floor of the lobby."

"Life is complicated, but not uninteresting." -- Jerzy Neyman.

She has the patience of a whore.

"The great question that has never been answered and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is: What does a woman want?" -- Sigmund Freud

"Market efficiency is a process, not a condition." -- CMN Deming, paraphrasing Ed Easterling.

"Neither man nor woman can be worth anything until they have discovered that they are fools. This is the first step toward becoming either estimable or agreeable; and until it is taken there is no hope." -- William Lamb, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom,1834-1841, and unfortunate but remarkably tolerant husband of Caroline Lamb, who was Lord Byron's first mistress.

"Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." -- Shakespeare, Macbeth

The body's normal physiological state is sleep, not wakefulness.

I miss having sex with someone else.

"Works of art that cannot be understood but need a swollen set of instructions to prove their right to exist and find their way to neurotics who are receptive to such nonsense will no longer openly reach the German nation."

"Humanity is asleep, concerned only with what is useless, living in a wrong world."

Why did I lie here for an hour, and what if anything did I think about in that time?


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